Nurturing Faith in Anxious Young People | A Guide for Parents

Navigating through parenting can often feel like being hurled through a storm on a rollercoaster. It's rife with unexpected challenges and moments of overwhelming doubt. But amidst the uncertainty, I would like to say that you are not alone.

If you are a parent of a child with anxiety we know it can be overwhelming and anxiety-inducing for yourself. Below you will find a document to work through with your child all about helping your anxious child approach God in prayer. But first, I would like to remind of the overwhelming strength and support we have in our God through prayer.

Prayer - hailed as the secret weapon of the Christian - has been extolled by great gospel men throughout history. Charles Spurgeon dubbed it "the key of heaven," while E. M. Bounds asserted that "God shapes the world by prayer." Martin Luther described prayer as "laying hold of God's willingness," and John Chrysostom proclaimed it as "the most powerful weapon against downfall, the most effective medicine against sickness, and the most valuable gift to someone we care for."

For these stalwarts of the faith, being devoted in prayer empowered them to remain joyful in hope and patient in affliction (Romans 12:12). In the crucible of spiritual warfare, their armour transcended mere metal; it was a soul that firmly leaned upon God through "powerful and effective" petitions (James 5:16).

But prayer isn't just a relic of the past; it's also a potent weapon in your spiritual arsenal, ready to unleash its power. Through prayer, we learn to lean on God, seek his peace, wisdom, and strength, and find the courage to weather the storms that assail our anxious young people.

In the turbulent storms of life, our young people might see themselves as delicate ships adrift on unruly seas. They might perceive no respite from the fierce winds and mocking foes that assail them, mercilessly tearing down their barriers. Yet, hope persists.

Through prayer, God extends the reinforcement they need to endure the storms of anxiety, the gusty stings of previous mistakes, and the punishing swells of pressure. In the chaos, God imparts peace and urges his beloved children to "be still," for "he is exalted above the heavens" (Psalm 40:10).

So, where do we start in combatting anxiety?

One powerful way is by leading our anxious children in prayer. Through our many requests and petitions to God, we learn to shift the centre of our lives to our sovereign Lord, who loves us and sets everything else in its proper place.

To help you in this task, consider downloading our digital resource, "Bringing Our Anxious Thoughts to God". We pray that you will enjoy resting together under the “light” and “easy” yoke of Jesus (Matthew 11:28).

Jesse Baker

Jesse is the Youth and Families Minister and enjoys inspiring our young leaders to serve. He is married to Jessica and loves wrestling the kids, hosting barbecues, and riding the waves on his esky lid (*bodyboard*).  


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