Share Life Sundays

3 + 10 + 17 September 2023


There's no need for God.
For ancient conservatives. For unthinking traditionalists.
No need for faith or religion.
We're imagining a better world. With freedom at its core.
Freedom to choose who we are or want to be.
Freedom to pursue whatever matters most inside.

Why bother with God?

Week 1

Is God

From a distance God seems oppressive. Up close God feels intense.

How can people say that his character is an expression of pure love?

Week 2

Is God unrelatable?

Reading ancient books. Praying invisible prayers. Gathering in historic buildings.

Why is it so hard to feel a personal connection with God?

Week 3

Is God unknowable?

Scientists and academics haven’t discovered God. Religions disagree. And I haven't seen him.

How can I be confident God exists?


Elliot Temple

Elliot Temple is the Mission Minister at Christ Church St Ives. He is married to Michelle and they have four children. He has a big heart for people to know God. He also has a big heart (literally) from too much ultra-marathon training.

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Getting here

Christ Church is a 5 min walk from St Ives Shopping Village.

For those travelling by car, you can park on nearby streets for free or public parking facilities.

Church parking spaces are limited and are prioritised for those with a wheelchair/mobility difficulties and first-time visitors.