Help Keep our Ministries Safe

What a joy it was to see children back in the building over the Easter weekend. The richness and depth of our fellowship is so much more profound when we are all able to worship together and learn from each other. 

We are very thankful to everyone at St Ives Park Primary School for allowing us to facilitate our church gatherings since October 11. Hosting the children and youth programs there has allowed us to have more adults gathering here each week. And now, as our congregation starts up again at St Ives Park, there will be children and youth here, there and everywhere. 

The task that Josh Hayward and Lauren Dewhurst undertake each week to facilitate excellent gospel ministry to hundreds of young people is ginormous. But today, while I want to commend them to you to your prayers, there is one particular thing you can be doing to help ensure the ongoing safety of all the Children and Youth at Christ Church.

I would like all our church members, but particularly and specifically, all those who bring children to church with them, to complete Safe Ministry Training. This training exists to inform and equip leaders, parents and church members for safe, godly and careful ministry to young and vulnerable people. It is compulsory for all those who serve in such ministry but when a whole church gets on board and gets trained, the safety of young and vulnerable people in our midst improves dramatically. 

As a church, we are robustly committed to Safe Ministry and I want us to work hard together to protect the children and young people in our care and the name of Jesus from those who wish to do evil. The more people who know about our Safe Ministry procedures and are trained in them, the better we will be as a community in protecting each other. 

This is why we are encouraging everyone in our community to complete the Essentials Safe Ministry Training Course. Again, the more people who know about our Safe Ministry procedures and are trained in them, the better we will be as a community in protecting each other.

To get started, head to

This is the only place for Sydney Anglican approved training. And once you have completed the course, email us your certificate so we can thank you and also remind you to renew your training in three years time. 

Ensuring Safe Ministry is not just the job of Ros Lloyd our Safe Ministry Representative, nor is it just something for Josh and Lauren to worry about. Safe Ministry ought to be the concern of all of us so thanks for jumping in, being trained and being a part of making Christ Church St Ives a safe place for young and vulnerable people. 

Nigel Fortescue

Nigel Fortescue is the Senior Minister at Christ Church St Ives. He is married to Nicky and they have four young adult children. Nigel truly believes that Jesus rose from the dead and that this news is life-changing and worth exploring.


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