About Us
Ministry Team
Nigel Fortescue
Senior Minister Nigel is our Senior Minister and he leads the team who oversee our ministry. He is married to Nicky and they have four adult children and a dog who thinks he’s really in charge. -
Elliot Temple
Mission Director Elliot is our Mission Director, with a big heart for people to know God. He also has a big heart (literally) from too much ultra-marathon training. He is married to Michelle and they have four children. -
Gerard O'Brien
Maturity Director Gerard is our Maturity Director. He prays that everyone at Christ Church would be deep in God’s Word and prayer. He’s married to Briar and they have two daughters in high school. -
Caroline Litchfield
Membership Director Caroline is our Membership Director, helping us to love each other deeply by welcoming and caring for each other, so that we all feel that we belong. She loves doing a jigsaw or exploring new cafes with friends. -
Tom Pattison
Ministry Director Tom is our Director of Ministry (serving) as well as our 6pm service. Tom is married to Brie and they have a daughter called Ava. -
Jo Adams
Magnification Director Jo is our Magnification Director. She is passionate about coming alongside people with Christ-shaped care, and helping people to adore Jesus through creativity and song. Jo is married to James, who is a wonderful high school teacher. -
Jesse Baker
Youth & Families Jesse is our Youth & Families Minister. Apart from the rough-and-tumble fun with the kids, he enjoys hosting backyard barbecues with Jessica, riding his esky lid (*bodyboard*), listening to indie-rock music, and nerding out in his home library. -
Lauren Dewhurst
Children's Director Lauren is our Children's Director and oversees the large team of immensely capable volunteers who minister in this area. She is passionate about sharing the good news with kids in a fun and engaging way. Lauren loves spending time with her family and cooking delicious food. -
Leo Chen
Mandarin Ministry Leo is our Mandarin Speaking Worker who wants to see the good news of Jesus bearing fruit in the Chinese community around St Ives. He is married to Jenny with 3 children who refuse to roller skate with him. -
Sally Sims
Care Ministry Coordinator Sally is our Care Ministry leader, she helps us to be a community that cares for one another well, while sensitively encouraging faith, growth and perseverance in Jesus. Sally is married to Tim and they love spending time with their grandchildren. -
Jo Anne Kim
SRE Teacher
Ministry Support Staff
Anna Richardson
Business Manager Anna is our Business Manager, leading the administration and support team to facilitate ministry. She enjoys beautiful details and can find them almost anywhere - in a spreadsheet, a literary paragraph or in nature. -
Wilson Teh
Accounting and Payroll Wilson is our Accounting Manager who caters to finanical matters for the church. He is thankful for the godly stewardship of congregational members and their significant partnership in the gospel work at church and overseas. He is married to Venny and have two adult children and a bunny. -
Joelle Fuller
Communications Director -
Garbo Chan
Connect Ministry -
Stephen Day
Property Manager -
Lyn Saunders
Ministry Project Manager -
Kat Pearson
Finance Assistant Kat is our Financial Assistant and manages invoicing and accounts payable. She enjoys leading at youth and reading. -
Jacob Erieau
Ministry Support Assistant Jacob is our Ministry Support Administrator who looks after our databases and admin. He thoroughly enjoys being active in church ministry and is hoping to become archbishop one day. -
Timothy Ball
CYF & Events Administrator Tim is our CYF & Events Administrator and helps organise admin for kids and youths and other events. He loves board games and playing tennis on a cool night with friends
Student Ministers & Honorary Associates
Phil Claridge
Ministry Trainee Philippa is one of our Ministry Trainees, focussing on children’s ministry and how to help kids know and love Jesus. She loves going for a swim, especially in winter when she has the beach to herself. -
Britt Beattie
Ministry Trainee -
Steph Shumack
Ministry Trainee -
John Brackenbury
Student Minister -
Ben Williams
Student Minister -
Michael Ee
Honorary Associate Michael is one of our Honorary Associates. He serves in the Membership ministry, by helping congregation members grow in their connection with church and their love for others. Michael is married to Lee, has three adult children, and loves riding a bike.