Volunteer To Serve

We have a variety of formal and informal ways you can serve at Christ Church.

Why Serve At Christ Church?


Follow the example of Jesus

Jesus famously cleans his disciples feet (John 13), and in verse 15 says "I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you." So we follow His example.

Throughout His ministry, Jesus served through his time, energy, and gifts. But His ultimate service is seen on the cross. The King of the world, expending his life for the sins of the world, to rise again victorious over death and sin.

Let’s follow the example of Jesus—the King who we love.


Walk with others

As we follow Jesus, we also serve each other. When we serve we help our brothers and sisters in Christ flourish and grow. We work together and walk alongside one another to love Jesus more.

We are saved to be part of God’s family. To be part of one body (1 Corinthians 12). We are created with different gifts, and it is a privilege to play our part in God’s family for the common good (verse 7).

Let’s walk with one another—as part of God’s family.


Love activates joy

An active love for Jesus helps us see God’s great design for his church. Faith and deeds go hand in hand (James 2). Jesus is alive and God’s Spirit lives in us. He is active!

When we are gripped by the Gospel of grace our hearts are moved to action. And when in action, our love for Jesus and God’s people grows as we see God active and at work in others. What a joy!

Let’s activate our love—and serve His people with joy!


Sign up to serve

Let us know where you would like to volunteer in formal and/or informal serving opportunities. We'd love to chat with you!