Our Story

We’ve been part of the St Ives community for over 100 years. From humble beginnings amongst the orange orchards to a large church in a suburban gateway, much has changed over the years.

But one thing will never change. The good news of Jesus.


What we believe

Christ Church St Ives is an Evangelical Anglican church that cooperates in fellowship with other churches in the Diocese of Sydney.  

Our historic and theological roots go back to the Protestant Reformation, most explicitly expressed in the Thirty-Nine Articles of the Church of England and the Book of Common Prayer.

At Christ Church we are united in our conviction that God became one of us in the person of Jesus Christ, who was crucified and rose again to bring us forgiveness and new life, and that He is now gathering people to spend eternity with Him.

This is the good news that we encourage each other to live out in our daily lives and which we seek to share with our neighbours, family and friends. In so doing, we aim to know God better and build the church of Christ while we eagerly await his return.


Our Vision

Under God, and for his glory, to build 3,000 wholehearted disciples of Jesus.

We’d love to meet you