Healing from lust and pornography
“For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body ruled by sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin.” - Romans 6:6
If you have trouble resisting pornography, or have been hurt by someone who views pornography, what can you do?
Firstly, it’s important to realise that you are not alone.
In our highly sexualised culture, pornography is everywhere and research suggests that in a typical church our size there are hundreds struggling to resist pornography. And yet we don’t tend to talk about it. Naturally we worry about the shame we may face or the hurt we may cause others. Even those who feel betrayed after discovering their partner has been viewing pornography can remain quiet in grief because of the stigma. So, we have a silent and insidious problem. And you may feel alone, but you are not alone.
Secondly, you need to decide whether you will pursue healing.
You won’t act unless you can genuinely acknowledge the pain you are in, or the harm that pornography is causing. Pornography breeds guilt and unhappiness. It harms personal relationships and spiritual lives. It also creates demand for an exploitative sex industry. The Bible is against it. Sociology lays it out clearly that pornography is bad for society. But the guilty pleasure draws people into its clutches. It is both deceptive and enslaving because the excitement and arousal overpowers people’s ability to acknowledge and face up to the myriad of negative consequences. If you are stuck in its clutches you probably won’t want help, but you actually need it. Further down this page are some resources for your heart, mind, and healing. There are also resources for those who feel hurt and betrayed by a loved one viewing pornography.
Thirdly, it’s invaluable to talk with a safe person.
It helps to talk with someone who understands the nature of confidentiality and who will support you to come up with a plan for healing. This could be a church leader, or a friend, or perhaps someone further removed from your social networks like a counsellor. Who do you feel that you could talk to? There is a list of recommended counsellors below. The idea is to work with them to come up with a plan for healing.
Fourthly, consider joining a support group.
There are support groups for those who are struggling to resist pornography and support groups for those who have been hurt by loved ones viewing pornography. There are Christian support groups and secular support groups. There are online groups and groups that meet in-person. A couple of options for support groups are listed in the resource section below.
Resources to help you think
Pornography: The Elephant in the Church, Eternity News
An excellent overview 28-minute video about pornography as the elephant in the room with a range of Australian experts to understand: Why Christians are struggling with it? Who is impacted by it and what can be done to fix it?
Hidden Sin, Her Theology Podcast
An honest three-part series about pornography and healing for men and women.
- Episode 58 Hidden Sin - A Solution for the Church on Porn, Infidelity & Sexual Brokenness
- Episode 59 Hidden Sin - Helping Women Win the Battle over Porn & Love Addiction
- Episode 60 Hidden Sin - Healing & Restoration from Infidelity in MarriageListen on your favourite podcast App.
Captured by a Better Vision: Living Porn Free, Tim Chester
In this book Tim Chester points Christians to something infinitely better than porn, something that captivates without causing shame, remorse or embarrassment: the glory and beauty of Christ.
Soooo, about Pornography, With the Perry's Podcast
Popular American podcasters bring their humour, honesty, and insight in this episode of With the Perry’s.
Two Strategies to Win the War on Lust, Ask Pastor John Piper
This is an audio response by John Piper to a college question about the battle to control lust. Discover effective strategies to overcome this struggle as Pastor John Piper addresses the battle against lust, providing a two-part approach to spiritual and mental fitness. By resisting sinful desires and actively engaging with God’s promises, you can strengthen your faith.
How to Stop Watching Porn: 6 Essential Steps to Quit, Covenant Eyes
A four minute read through Dr. Weiss’ 6 Essential Steps to Quit Porn.
Resisting Porn, Sydney Anglicans
Website by the Sydney Archbishop’s Anti-pornography Taskforce with a variety of links and resources.
Betrayal Trauma: The Side of Porn Use No One Talks About, Covenant Eyes
After conducting research for more than ten years and with more than 3,000 individuals, Dr. Kevin Skinner can confidently say trauma is very common in women and men who discover their partner’s secret sexual behaviors.
Fight For Love Ministries
An American Christian organisation which aims to help wives navigate the effects of pornography in their marriage. The website has numerous resources including frequently asked questions, recovery resources and podcasts.
Resources to help you act
Speak with someone on the Ministry Team
If you approach any of our pastoral staff for help, please be assured you will not be kicked out of the church, you will not be publicly shamed, you will not be told to pray more and pushed to the side and we won’t go and tell your spouse or your Growth Group. Instead, we will love you and we will help you come up with a plan.
📍 Life Care Psychology and Allied Health, Five Dock (sessions online and in-person)
💻 https://lifecareinnerwest.com.au/about-us/mitchell-brown/
📞 (02) 9712 5311
📍 Arise Counselling, Avalon (all sessions online)
💻 https://www.arisecounsellingsolutions.com.au/
📞 0415 488 611
📍 West Pymble (sessions online or in-person)
💻 https://www.stevestokescounsellingandconsulting.com
📞 0408 438 279