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Past Events
Thursday 30 May
You, Me, We: Navigating Tension in Relationships & Connecting Better with Others
Wherever we bump up against others, we are faced with the human dilemma of relating. We all have an idea what it looks and feels like when it goes well. We also know what happens when relationships get tense, uncomfortable, and frustrating. How do we understand what's going on when relating is not going well? And what can we do about it?
Thursday 20 June
The Pursuit of Affluence: What’s wealth got to do with human flourishing?
In a world that is increasingly uncertain and volatile, for many reasons, financial affluence and material wealth, continue to remain key life success metrics in our society.
How do we define wealth? Why does it create meaning and purpose in our lives? Is having it all the key to the pursuit of happiness?
Thursday 25 July
Friends Night
Come and enjoy a casual night at the Blue Gum Hotel, Waitara. There'll be pizza, good chats, and we'll hear a brief story from the life of someone from our Night Church community!