I am a follower of Jesus!

Increasingly, rites of passage are being seen as crucially important in the development of children and a society. They mark important moments of transition between life stages and particularly that transition from childhood to adulting. As one who is part of a family experiencing some of those transitions at the moment, it is not always easy— for those watching or coaching nor for those going through it—but it is exciting. In our culture, learning to drive, finishing school, getting your first real job are all part of the process.    

From a spiritual perspective, so are baptism and confirmation!

This Sunday we will be celebrating with dozens of people who are being baptised confirmed and so declaring, “I am a follower of Jesus!”. 

Children are baptised as a sign and seal of God’s promises to us in Christ that are made without our will or merit but by God’s grace. I cherish the lesson my baptism at age 0 constantly teaches me about my salvation; I have a list of all the things I did to prepare for that day—the same list is also the things I did to earn salvation. Nothing. This weekend we will be baptising some children and some adults who were not baptised as children.     

Confirmation is an Anglican rite that those who were baptised as children can offer themselves for. People who ask to be ‘confirmed’ are seeking to confirm publicly that the promises made in their infant baptism have come to fruition. Confirmees stand before the church declaring that they themselves are believers in the Lord Jesus and intend to live a life serving and following Jesus.

Baptism and Confirmation are therefore a big deal. They are public confessions that you are a Christian and are determined to follow Jesus. In the past Confirmation was also the point from which people were allowed to take the Lord's Supper however unconfirmed children are able to participate now if their parents are convinced they are believers and they have discussed this with the minister!  

I was confirmed in 1988 and there are still photos of me beaming from ear to ear holding my certificate while wearing white pants, a white shirt and a thin red leather tie! I treasure that moment—not because it made me a real Christian, but because I stood before my family and friends and declared, "I follow Jesus!".

Please pray for all those being baptised and confirmed this weekend that they may indeed follow Jesus all their days. You will be able to catch the two confirmation services on YouTube

In Christ,


Nigel Fortescue

Nigel Fortescue is the Senior Minister at Christ Church St Ives. He is married to Nicky and they have four young adult children. Nigel truly believes that Jesus rose from the dead and that this news is life-changing and worth exploring.


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Baptism, Chalk and the Spirit