Launching the Year

Dear friends,

February dawns and all our groups and ministries are getting underway over the next week. The church building is coming alive again and is ready to be used every day of the week to reach people with the gospel and to build wholehearted disciples of Jesus. KidSpace and Youth start this Friday and we’re away!

On Sunday I will be launching the year as we jump back into John’s gospel and have a moment to listen to Jesus pray. I actually find it extraordinary that he prays. Jesus, who is God in the flesh prays to his Father with whom he is united as one. If you think about it for a moment, if there is anyone who did not need to pray it is Jesus - and yet we read that he spent time praying continually throughout his ministry. With this in mind, I’ll be urging us to see 2025 as the moment to bring greater strength to our prayer lives. We’re heading for 3000 wholehearted disciples of Jesus but we are never going to get anywhere if we don’t pray.       

Well, as the year begins, here are a few other things I would love you to get onboard with. 

Firstly, mission will again be a significant focus of our plans as a church for this year. We want you to be asking the question, “What are God’s missional priorities and where do I fit in them?” Over the next few weeks you will hear more about this but what I love about the way we do mission here is that the goal is not to load you with more to do, but to encourage you to take opportunities in the midst of what you already do. We all meet people everyday, so let’s pray for the people we meet. We all chat to people everyday, so listen to the perspectives of the people we meet and then share a Christian perspective and see where the conversation might lead. It’s that easy. Share Life Mondays are back and we would love you to join us there to look into the heart of Jesus. 

Secondly, our Growth Groups are launching next week. On Tuesday morning 4th February at 9.45am and then on the evenings of Tuesday 4th and Wednesday 5th at 7.30pm, and again on Thursday morning for WEB, we will be gathering for the launch of groups, to hear more about the portrait of a healthy Growth Group and to pray together. Join us at those events even if you are not yet in a group and we will get you organised for the year.  

Thirdly, as a new year starts it’s a great time to consider how you might serve in church and use your gifts and talents to build up the body of Christ. You might need to pull back a bit or it might be time for you to step in. Whatever your circumstances are, we’d love to see you serving on a team and there is an opening for you. The best way to start is to fill in the form on the Volunteer to Serve page and one of our team will get back to you. 

Finally, early warning of our Annual General Meeting. This is always an important meeting in the life of our church as we elect office bearers, review financial accounts and hear about our Ministry Vision. Join us on Sunday 23rd March at 2pm and be a part of all that is happening here at Christ Church.

Well, that’s it for now. If you ever have questions about anything, please just ask.

I look forward to seeing you on Sunday as we launch 2025 with prayer!

Nigel Fortescue

Nigel Fortescue is the Senior Minister at Christ Church St Ives. He is married to Nicky and they have four young adult children. Nigel truly believes that Jesus rose from the dead and that this news is life-changing and worth exploring.


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