A Sacrifice Worth Remembering

Dear Friends,

A few years ago I heard a friend speak about ANZAC Day and Remembrance Day surprisingly. He spoke of the way that from the 1950s to 1970s barely a soul celebrated the days, and that the hills around Gallipoli were almost always devoid of people. He explained that the French lost four times as many soldiers as we did, and that the Turks see their victory in 1915 as the successful defence of Islam. But he spoke of more than facts—he called for a deeper analysis of why the ANZAC legend has become so important to Australians. 

His contention was that since rejecting Christianity, Australia has been a nation in search of a faith and a story to explain us. One that explains where we came from, who we are and how to live; a story that gives us a sense of unity and cohesion—a national identity—something that gives us a faith that we can turn to and believe in and use to find strength and courage in, in times of need. A story that gives us back God or gods who are like us—but are greater than us—and about whom we can only speak of in hushed voices of deep respect and sombre reverence.

The thinking is compelling. Australia emerged from the freewheeling 70s looking for something to hold onto (having excluded the possibility of Jesus) and we found ANZAC. And woe betide anyone who takes the name ANZAC in vain as Woolworths discovered a few years ago! 

I think it is fair to say that we have fashioned ANZAC into an idol and a myth that gives Australian life meaning.  

Now, please hear me carefully—none of this takes away from the historical realities of what took place in World War I. This perspective does not take away from the battles and scars that many men and women returned home with, or from the courageous efforts of our family and friends who served and self-sacrificed for our country at Gallipoli or anywhere else. These are important things to remember!

However, identifying the ANZAC story as a historical reality that provides definition to who we are, opens the door for conversation about another historical reality that provides definition to who we are—I am talking about the cross of Christ. 

For many people, ANZAC helps them interpret the world. To a Christian, Jesus helps us understand the world. So in conversation on these special days, see if you can move beyond giving thanks for those who gave their lives so friends and neighbours may be free, to talking about the man who gave his life that his enemies might be free. 

Jesus, the man who gave his life—and won a great victory—without raising a hand in anger. Indeed, by raising his arms in glad surrender. For the only blood shed that day on Golgotha was his own.  

And remember to pray for peace in the world and in the hearts of those impacted by war. Here is a prayer to help you.

O God, our ruler and guide,
in whose hands are the destinies of this and every nation,
we give you thanks for the freedoms we enjoy in this land
and for those who laid down their lives to defend them.

We pray that we and all the people of Australia,
gratefully remembering their courage and their sacrifice,
may have the grace to live in a spirit of justice, of generosity, and of peace;
through Jesus Christ our Lord,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.


Nigel Fortescue

Nigel Fortescue is the Senior Minister at Christ Church St Ives. He is married to Nicky and they have four young adult children. Nigel truly believes that Jesus rose from the dead and that this news is life-changing and worth exploring.


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