Share Life in Lockdown

Well as the restrictions get tighter and life gets smaller, there is one thing the Sydney lockdown cannot stop—Share Life. 

Share Life is how we describe our evangelistic endeavour here at Christ Church. It is what we try to do all year around but there are some focus moments to enthuse, encourage and equip us in the work. So when we talk about Share Life, we are talking about Sharing Jesus with friends and family, colleagues and neighbours who don’t yet know him. We are talking about Sharing Life to the full that Jesus promises. We are talking about Sharing Life as we are designed to live it—in relationship with God through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. We are talking about sharing Jesus with those we know and love.   

Everyone is doing some version of life. But as Christians, we know how life is meant to be lived and that’s the news we want to share. When you trust in Jesus you find forgiveness, hope, purpose and a future that can never perish, spoil or fade.

Last year at about this time, we made the decision that our Share Life Sundays would be all online. We’re not quite at that point yet but whether we are online or in person, now is the time to rev up our prayers and preparation. 

First, rev up your prayers. Jesus is still on his throne. People are still becoming Christians and you are a part of this. In the week starting 1 August we will be having our next Together in Prayer even focused on Share Life but it will pivot to being online in Growth Groups so reach out to your leader and ask what your group will be doing.   

Share Life is about helping you start conversations about Jesus; it’s about going further in those chats than you have before; it’s about opening the Bible so people can see Jesus for themselves; it’s designed to support you as you reach out to the people that God has uniquely placed in your life. Let’s pray that we can make the most of these sorts of opportunities even in the midst of lockdown. 

Second, rev up your preparation. 

I hope you have your journal and have been working through it page by page. As a staff we have been working through it together week by week and have just written our names lists. This has been a game changer for many. If you don’t have a journal, ask for one when you check in for church or email the office.

While we are not having Share Life Fridays this year, we are about to begin Share Life Coaching. It’s a 4 week online (and in person if we can) very practical course to help you grow in confidence in sharing Jesus. The four topics are “how to be more intentional about relationships,” “how to start conversations about Jesus,” “how to have constructive conversations when people put the brakes on,” and, “what to do if people are coming with you.” There are five time slots to choose from, including before work, during lunch, or after dinner. Head to the Share Life page to register.

Then of course, our Share Life Sundays are coming. These are great days to bring a friend to church whether in-person or online—29 August, 5 September, 12 September. I am looking forward to hearing Carl Matthei preach and expound the Gospel in a challenging way so that people might be saved. The Share Life Course will come after that and we will let you know details in due course. 

Friends, much has changed this year—again—but this has not: “Salvation is found in no-one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.’” (‭‭Acts‬ ‭4:12‬)

So, are you ready to Share Life? Who is on your names list? Who might you invite to hear about Jesus this year?

Nigel Fortescue

Nigel Fortescue is the Senior Minister at Christ Church St Ives. He is married to Nicky and they have four young adult children. Nigel truly believes that Jesus rose from the dead and that this news is life-changing and worth exploring.


Work – Worth Complaining About? (Part 1)

