Share Life Mondays

A lot of people say they know Jesus because they have heard the stories. But what would you say is at the core of his heart and work?

His life and teachings have impacted people and cultures all through the centuries. His reputation is godlike, his death an infamous scandal, and hundreds of millions of people follow his words every day. Why is Jesus so loved and revered?

These are significant questions - and we rarely pause to ask them. But Share Life Mondays will give you that chance - a chance to look into the heart of Jesus. 

Starting on Monday 21 October, we’re bringing people together, for a conversation about Jesus.   

Each evening starts at 7pm with dinner and will include a short talk, lots of time for chats and a Q+A. Some people come as spectators and say very little, others share all their thoughts and generate lots of great discussion.

I’d love you to consider bringing a friend who is ready and willing to investigate the heart of Jesus. Someone who is asking questions, intrigued by what you believe or just wants to understand Jesus more. Share Life Mondays is the perfect opportunity to extend the conversation you’re already having. So, who could you invite?

Of course, the person who wants to look into the heart of Jesus might be you! Are you living the life God wants you to? Are you living life to the full? Is there more to life than what you can see? Is there more to Jesus than you see and know? Here is your moment. 

Come and join us for Share Life Mondays from 21 October. You will not regret it. Register via the link below and we’ll see you there. 

Nigel Fortescue

Nigel Fortescue is the Senior Minister at Christ Church St Ives. He is married to Nicky and they have four young adult children. Nigel truly believes that Jesus rose from the dead and that this news is life-changing and worth exploring.


Making the most of Share Life


Embracing awkwardness