Share Life thanks!

Well, Share Life Sundays are over for another year and hasn’t it been an absolute cracker. The beautiful teachings of Jesus were challenging for both those who are usually in church on a Sunday and for our friends and family. The gospel was proclaimed - together we declared to the world that…

Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to humankind by which we must be saved!” - Acts 4:12

It is certainly never about statistics but for your encouragement, I am aware of more than 200 guests who came across the three weeks, more than 30 people who wanted to start following Jesus and many more who were keen on Share Life Mondays or wanted to get connected at church. What a great work of God.

But I also wanted to express my enormous thanks for the wonderful work of our church community as a whole in making it all happen. At every service across every week I was blown away by the way “many hands made light work”. There were people everywhere doing everything all the time. Hundreds and hundreds of people served in big ways and small - but every part played was crucial to a fantastic three Sundays.

There are too many people to mention everyone - so thank you to all who cooked and brought and carried and cleaned and prepared and managed and watched and tidied and more. On a few occasions I just stood back and praised God for the way our church swung into action, demonstrating our joy in Jesus through community.

Thanks also to all those who served on the platform, playing, reading and praying. We are working hard to improve what is happening in church and I am so thankful for the teams that oversee all that helped us see and understand the beautiful teachings of Jesus.   

Thanks to all who have served, thank you for being an encouragement to me. I often have conversations in which people remind me that it is Jesus’ loving willing service of us that motivates their loving willing service of him and his people. You remind me every week that we don’t serve Jesus so we can become disciples, we serve Jesus because we are disciples, and it is a great blessing and joy to do so. To see lives changed, to see the gospel go forward and to see people served. There are lots of ways to use your time, some of them excellent, some ridiculous, but there are few better ways to use your time than serving Jesus.

So, thanks for serving Jesus in our midst and for the wonderful work of Share Life Sundays. Praise God for his glorious grace. 

Nigel Fortescue

Nigel Fortescue is the Senior Minister at Christ Church St Ives. He is married to Nicky and they have four young adult children. Nigel truly believes that Jesus rose from the dead and that this news is life-changing and worth exploring.


Making the most of Share Life