SRE Appeal 2021

February 1996. St Ives North Primary School. That’s when I first walked into a classroom to teach Scripture (SRE). I had been thoroughly trained by Mrs Hughes, our SRE coordinator at the time, I had my books in hand, youth on my side and I thought I would be the best Scripture teacher ever. Well, I know I never achieved that status but from that very first moment, I recognised the enormous privilege it is to be in schools each week. 

The NSW Department of Education recognise that spiritual wellbeing plays an important role in successful learning. Students today live in a fast-changing, uncertain world, filled with confusing messages about who to trust and what to believe. SRE gives them a safe place to explore and discover the Bible alongside well equipped SRE teachers who support and guide them on their path of faith.

Scripture nurtures a child’s sense of meaning and purpose and promotes positive connections with faith and community. It provides an ongoing opportunity to answer the searching, existential questions that every child asks and Christian SRE teachers are trained to encourage every child’s natural curiosity and respond appropriately from a biblical perspective.

It is great work. Week by week, our team of teachers make connections with children and young adults who are keen to learn and often don’t have the opportunity to attend a church Sunday by Sunday. 

And this June, we are inviting you to partner financially with us in this work. Our 2021 Scripture Appeal begins now. We are hoping to raise $100,000 to help us fund this work this year and into the future. The money raised pays for a variety of different things including resources, training and staff costs. Rachael Mayrick is employed just to teach High School SRE and a proportion of the week for both Josh, Lauren and several other staff is also paid for from the fund. 

This is a tax deductible appeal that we hold each year at this time, giving you the opportunity to maximise giving as you manage your personal financial affairs. 

The 2021 SRE Appeal is on. $100,000. Fully tax deductible. Why not give now? 

You will hear more about this in church over coming weeks. Thanks for partnering with us. Thanks for your generosity. Thanks for your prayers. And thanks for supporting this crucial work of helping children and young people develop in faith.

Nigel Fortescue

Nigel Fortescue is the Senior Minister at Christ Church St Ives. He is married to Nicky and they have four young adult children. Nigel truly believes that Jesus rose from the dead and that this news is life-changing and worth exploring.


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