Six Things You Should Know

Dear friends,

One of the little phrases I often say is “There’s never a dull moment!”—in a church like ours this is entirely true. Every day of the week our building and resources are used to reach people with the Gospel and Build Wholehearted Disciples of Jesus. Equally, important decisions are made every day of the week and from time to time it is important to communicate lots of little bits and pieces to keep everyone informed. Today is one of those days—so here are six things you should know.

First, a number of people have asked me recently whether Campbelltown Anglican (where we were serving) has a new minister and the answer is yes!

Jason Veitch started there a couple of months ago and we are very thankful to God that a great Gospel man is carrying on God’s work there. Thanks for praying for them.

Second, Tim Purser, our new staff member who will be working as our Ministry Director and leader of 6.45 begins with us on Monday June 21.

We are so excited to have Tim and Elaine and their three girls join us. They would love your prayers as they relocate from Canberra in the week ahead. 

Third, St Ives Family Church has a new name!

We decided to change the name to bring clarity as to who is welcome across all our morning gatherings and to show the important connection between all our congregations. After a month of thinking and considering options, a project group met last week and it was decided that SIFC would now be called Christ Church at Park. Thanks to the team and all the Christ Church at Park members who made suggestions.

Fourth, our Parish Council has been meeting over the last few months.

It was pointed out that I had not let you know who was on the complete Council after some post-AGM appointments. So here is the list: 

Ross Bowden, William Hood, Darren Moy

Parish Council:
Susan Beattie (10.30), Pete Chitty (6.45), Brett Christen (6.45), James Clifton (10.30), Ros Hinchliffe (Park), Michael Hung (10.30), Claire Offord (6.45), Rani Warren-Gash (9.00).

It is a great team and I am looking forward to working with them throughout the year.

Fifth, our Annual SRE Appeal is underway.

SRE or Scripture is a weekly ministry where we have the opportunity to partner with parents and schools to educate children during school hours from the Bible. It’s a great ministry and opportunity to see child wellbeing and faith grow. We’re seeking to raise $100,000 in tax deductible–funds and you can give to this work now. You will hear more about this in church over the coming weeks. The SRE Appeal is a tax-deductible appeal so get in before June 30!  

Finally, Josh Hayward is getting married this Saturday at 1pm!

He is marrying the delightful Claire Offord (mentioned above!) and we praise God for their trust in him, their commitment to each other and the way they are seeking to serve Jesus with their whole lives. Unfortunately, only invited guests can attend in person but they would love you to join in via livestream.

Well, that’s it for now. If you ever have questions about anything, please just ask.

I look forward to seeing you on Sunday.

In Christ, 


Nigel Fortescue

Nigel Fortescue is the Senior Minister at Christ Church St Ives. He is married to Nicky and they have four young adult children. Nigel truly believes that Jesus rose from the dead and that this news is life-changing and worth exploring.


Family and Domestic Violence in Anglican Churches


SRE Appeal 2021