Family and Domestic Violence in Anglican Churches
You may have seen or heard that a report released last week has some disturbing findings for Anglicans. This weekend, James Macbeth and I will be making some public statements about Domestic Violence and our church.
To be clear:
Violence of all forms is a work of the flesh (Galatians 5:19-21). Domestic Violence is never appropriate, always godless and must stop.
As a whole staff team we are working towards Christ Church being a safe place for men and women to sit under Gods word and grow as wholehearted disciples of Jesus.
If you are in a relationship where the actions of your spouse or partner concern you please speak up. We will believe you and we will help.
My friend Sandy Grant (Minister of Wollongong Cathedral) who has been at the forefront of countering Domestic Violence in Anglican Churches for almost a decade, has written this helpful piece in response to the recent report and media reaction to it.