Human – what does that mean?

I love kid’s books and one of the classics that I really love is “Are You My Mother” by P.D. Eastman. It’s a story about a bird that falls from its nest, realises he is lost and goes on a search for his mother. He has no idea who he is or what he is so every creature he encounters he asks, “Are you my mother?” And every creature he asks says, “I am not your mother, I am a …!”

He continues his search until he is finally captured by a snort (big red excavator) that lifts him up into a big tall tree and he is reunited with his mother and he says "I'm a bird!" And he lives happily ever after in their big tall tree.

It is a great book for kids with a great lesson. We are unable to know who we are or understand ourselves, until we know where we came from. 

This Sunday, we will begin a short series looking at what it is to be human and I am praying that you will find out where you came from and who you are. 

I am praying that this will be a life-shaping series as we think about what we are, who we are and whose we are. 

I am praying this will be a series that enables you to have a robust understanding of yourself so that you can stand up against the whims and wiles of the world. 

I am praying that you will see how critically important it is to get this right – because how you think of yourself, what your anthropology is, will shape every single thing you do. 

It is going to be a 5 part series over three weeks with two of the talks happening midweek on two Tuesday nights. The majority of our Growth Groups go on pause during school holidays to give our leaders a break but we don’t want to take a break from getting deep in the Word. So our series will go like this.

  • Sunday June 27 - Humans as Created Beings 

  • Tuesday June 29 - Humans as Relational Beings

  • Sunday July 4 - Humans as Fallen Beings

  • Tuesday July 6 - Humans as Gendered Beings

  • Sunday July 11 - Humans as Redeemed Beings

This will be a great series to get our minds going this Winter and to shape our thinking for life ahead. I’m looking forward to it and hope you will learn and grow as we all come and sit under God’s Word together.

See you Sunday.

Nigel Fortescue

Nigel Fortescue is the Senior Minister at Christ Church St Ives. He is married to Nicky and they have four young adult children. Nigel truly believes that Jesus rose from the dead and that this news is life-changing and worth exploring.


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