Thanks & An Opportunity

Back in June we ran our SRE Appeal. We were seeking to raise $100,000 to put towards this work that is simply incredible. We have the enormous privilege to be in schools every week to help students who want to receive education to help them develop a well rounded Christian worldview. The money raised goes towards paying and training teachers and resourcing classrooms so the students can get to know their God through his Word more deeply. 

SRE provides a context in which they can think hard about themselves, their world and their God. It gives them a safe place to explore and discover the Bible alongside well equipped SRE teachers who support and guide them on their path of faith. And I give thanks to God that the NSW Department of Education still recognises that SRE nurtures a child’s sense of meaning and purpose and promotes positive connections with faith and community. My experience is that it provides an ongoing opportunity to answer the searching, existential questions that every child asks.

I have two things I wanted to say about SRE today:

The first is, thanks! Thanks for your generosity that saw us raise more than $100,000 in June to fund this work.

As I said when we announced this in church, I am so thankful to God to be part of a church where people have caught the vision to see God’s word taught in different settings across our suburb, city and world every day of the week. Praise God for his grace towards you and your generosity to the work.

If you have not yet started giving generally to the Gospel work in and from Christ Church St Ives, head to the give page and start that today. As Paul says in 2 Corinthians 8:7, let us excel in the grace of giving! 

Secondly, there is an opportunity right now to get some training and to join the SRE team.

Now I know that going into a classroom to teach 30 kids sounds scary for many but we have an opportunity in September for you to be trained as a helper. Helpers assist the person teaching to keep students on track, including taking opportunities to chat with them while they do their individual work. It’s a great way to get started with SRE without having to do all the scary bits and we need more helpers right now!

Rosie Campbell is running the Youthworks training for helpers on Sunday 11 September—learn more.

I guarantee that doing SRE will grow your faith, brighten your week and help you grow in confidence to share Jesus with others. So sign up today. 

Thanks for supporting SRE in our schools. 

Nigel Fortescue

Nigel Fortescue is the Senior Minister at Christ Church St Ives. He is married to Nicky and they have four young adult children. Nigel truly believes that Jesus rose from the dead and that this news is life-changing and worth exploring.


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