Staff news: Di Lucas

I am writing to share some news with you about Di Lucas’ ministry here at Christ Church St Ives.

As most of you will know, in mid-February, with my full support and encouragement,  Di decided to take a six month break. The purpose of this time was to help her rest and seek help after several years of stress and strain in life and ministry. I am pleased to say that Di will return to the team at the start of September, working one day a week alongside Gerard.

However, while Di has been on leave, I have taken the opportunity to reconsider the structure of our staff team and where we need to invest resources if we are to continue building wholehearted disciples effectively. It has become clear to me that at this time, we do not need more than one staff member in a Maturity role and that we are critically under-resourced in Magnification and Communications. In order to resolve this, I have had to make a very difficult decision.

Sadly, Di’s role as a Maturity Director will cease on 31 December 2024.

Di has been a part of the team here at Christ Church for almost thirteen years. She has worked in five different roles and has adapted to change with theological clarity, courage and her trademark smile. She and I have been through a thorough process with the support of the Wardens and Parish Council to get to this point. Whilst it has been difficult, we have reached a point of understanding that this structural change holds strategic benefits for our church at this time. 

We will take the opportunity to give thanks for Di’s extensive ministry among us later in the year but for now, here are just a few words from Di.

“It has been a joy and privilege to serve alongside the staff team and all the saints at Christ Church for almost thirteen years. Though it is with sadness that I prepare for my role as a Maturity Director to come to an end, I remain confident that God is in control. He will continue to be at work building wholehearted disciples of Christ here at St Ives. I’m looking forward to seeing how God will continue to use my family and I as part of this Kingdom growth wherever that may be.”

If you have any questions about the process or our future strategy please don’t hesitate to chat to either myself, Di, or the Wardens. Your prayers for Di as well as everyone else involved are most welcome as we make these transitions.

Nigel Fortescue

Nigel Fortescue is the Senior Minister at Christ Church St Ives. He is married to Nicky and they have four young adult children. Nigel truly believes that Jesus rose from the dead and that this news is life-changing and worth exploring.


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