Support the Work

It’s time to think generosity, finances and giving.

Three principles, three pieces of information, three action items.

Three principles

  1. We give generously not because of obligation or demand, but because of the incarnation - because Christ gave himself for us. Christians are called to give, no matter how little or how much we earn, because we are all thankful for Christ’s work in us. (2 Corinthians 8:8-9)

  2. We give generously as a crucial expression of discipleship and worship. And Christian people give to the work of their church first. (Galatians 6:6)

  3. We give generously as a forethought not as an afterthought. When giving is mentioned in the NT, it is planned, sacrificial and generous. People always want specific guidance on this and my guidance is—start with 10% of every pay packet and see how you go from there.   

Three pieces of information 

  1. We are on target for congregational giving to be $90,000 under budget for 2022 which is $50,000 less than last year. Post COVID, attendance is up but giving is down.  

  2. We no longer believe in end-of-year panic appeals but instead with good information, we want to encourage all of us towards greater and greater discipline and generosity as an expression of our wholehearted discipleship. 

  3. The ministry of the church is paid for by the people of the church. There is no centralised mega-fund that gives us any money at all. We rely on the generosity of the saints here including me to give to the work here for the glory of God.   

Three action items 

  1. Please know the enormous thankfulness that I and the entire staff have for your generosity in supporting the work. We do not take your gifts lightly or for granted. We are very thankful for your generosity and want to urge you to excel in the gift of giving. 

  2. Please consider how you might be able to take action now to help us balance the budget for this year. 

  3. Please review your giving in preparation for 2023. For some you should start giving to church, for some your giving should go up. For some, your giving may need to go down as your work situation has changed. 

Check in on your giving as expression of your striving towards wholehearted discipleship now in preparation for 2023.  

Nigel Fortescue

Nigel Fortescue is the Senior Minister at Christ Church St Ives. He is married to Nicky and they have four young adult children. Nigel truly believes that Jesus rose from the dead and that this news is life-changing and worth exploring.


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