Turning the Dial on Jesus Chats

Bringing Jesus into our conversations with our unbelieving friends and family can be hard. Really hard. Sometimes it feels disjunctive. Sometimes it feels forced. Sometimes it feels obvious but trite. In my case, people expect it; they are often waiting for their minister friend to mention Jesus and then when I do I sense an internal eye roll as the conversation handbrake is turned on.

This reality is part of why we run Share Life Events. These are an opportunity for us to invite friends to think about the world we live in and whether there are alternatives to the obvious ways of thinking, and the usual ways of doing life. 

This is all part of Share Life Listen and Speak. We want to help you work on having conversations about things that really matter. We want to provide opportunities to have real chats about real things into which you can draw the reality of Jesus.  

So, there are two events coming up that I want you to consider both coming to for your own good and inviting a friend to for their good and for your conversation opportunities. 

The first is, You, Me, We: Navigating Tension in Relationships & Connecting Better with Others

Wherever we bump up against others, we are faced with the human dilemma of relating. We all have an idea what it looks and feels like when it goes well. We also know what happens when relationships get tense, uncomfortable, and frustrating. How do we understand what's going on when relating is not going well? And what can we do about it?

At this seminar, Lauren Errington from the Family Systems Institute  will share some thinking from family systems theory about what we are up against in relationships and where our efforts are best directed in working on connecting with others. Whether it's thinking about your relationships with family, friends, work colleagues or sporting mates, come along to test out some ideas. It’s on Thursday evening 30th May and you can register by clicking this link.

(Registration is helpful for us to be able to prepare well and equip you for further conversations but you can also just turn up.)

The second event is, The Pursuit of Affluence: What’s wealth got to do with human flourishing?

In a world that is increasingly uncertain and volatile, for many reasons, financial affluence and material wealth, continue to remain key life success metrics in our society.  How do we define wealth? Why does it create meaning and purpose in our lives? Is having it all the key to the pursuit of happiness? 

Max Jeganathan from CPX will join us for the evening and will help us to take stock of our measures of success and reconsider what lies at the heart of human flourishing. It’s on Thursday evening 20th June and you can register by clicking this link.

(Registration is helpful for us to be able to prepare well and equip you for further conversations but you can also just turn up.)

Two great opportunities to turn the dial on your own thinking but also to turn the dial on your conversations with others. Register now and I hope to see you there.

Nigel Fortescue

Nigel Fortescue is the Senior Minister at Christ Church St Ives. He is married to Nicky and they have four young adult children. Nigel truly believes that Jesus rose from the dead and that this news is life-changing and worth exploring.


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