Two Big Weekends

This week I want to tell you about two big weekends that are coming up at the start of August. Both weekends will help us launch strongly into the second half of the year as we see a bit more sun, a bit more warmth and a bit more outdoor activity around the place.

Sunday 4 August is Welcome Back Sunday. 

June and July are often quiet months around church for all sorts of reasons including holidays and sickness so we wanted to mark an opportunity for us to come back together in praise of the Lord on this special Sunday. Perhaps you know someone who has drifted a bit - this will be a great week to invite them to join us again as we celebrate and specifically welcome back three things.

We will welcome back Gerard and Briar O’Brien - Gerard is our new Maturity Director and both he and Briar were previously members of Christ Church!

We will welcome back our Kids and Youth Leaders - all our regular programs will start up again from August 2 and we will have a chance to thank them personally for their work on our Winter Camps. 

We will welcome back our study of John’s gospel - starting with the footwashing passage in John 13, Gerard will be preaching as we fix our eyes on the cross.

There is lots to be excited about so make sure you come and join us on August 4.

Sunday 11 August is Week of Prayer Launch and our next Care Seminar

The Week of Prayer is a crucial moment in our calendar as we begin the run in to Share Life Sundays by doing mission’s most important task - praying together. We will take an opportunity on the 11th to prepare ourselves to pray individually and in our growth groups for hearts to be changed, for Jesus to be honoured and for people to be saved. I can tell you lots of stories about the way God has answered prayers like this as I have prayed for people and then suddenly found myself with opportunities to invite them to consider Jesus. So let’s get stuck into mission focussed prayer.

On the same Sunday afternoon, the next of our Care Seminars is on at 2pm and we are looking forward to unpacking Addiction. This seminar will focus on understanding and supporting people living with an addiction. All of us have the potential to find ourselves on the slippery slope to addiction, especially when we look in the wrong places to escape from the pressures of life.

This seminar will unpack the processes involved in addiction and how to support someone living with an addiction. We are looking forward to hearing from Anna Lloyd, who specialises as a psychotherapist in the treatment of trauma and addiction. More info on the What’s On page but come and join us for this important seminar. 

Two big weekends.

Two great opportunities to get stuck back into what really matters. 

I hope to see you there.      

Nigel Fortescue

Nigel Fortescue is the Senior Minister at Christ Church St Ives. He is married to Nicky and they have four young adult children. Nigel truly believes that Jesus rose from the dead and that this news is life-changing and worth exploring.


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