Support Ministry Training
Our goal is to be training 7 ministry apprentices in answer to Jesus’ prayer for workers to be sent into the harvest field (Matthew 9:38). It’s an exciting prospect and one that needs our help prayerfully and financially. Let’s pray that God will continue to raise people up for a life of ministry.
Raising $50K for Church Traineeships
Student Ministers are typically full-time students at theological college and are involved in ministry at church for one day each week. Church Trainees can serve in either full-time or part-time ministry training roles at church and may also be doing some part time theological study, giving them the opportunity to discern whether vocational ministry is right for them. We give our Student Ministers and Church Trainees experience in a variety of ministries, equipping and training them for a lifetime of ministry. $50k in 2025 will cover the cost of John, Ben and Steph’s traineeships.
John Brackenbury
Hey I’m John and I'm super excited to be joining Christ Church as a student minister for the next two years. Growing up on the literal opposite side of Sydney in and around Campbelltown, it's a huge amount of change starting college, living in Newtown with 50 other brothers and sisters in student accomodation (think sharehouse on steroids), and moving church. Amidst all that, I so dearly look forward to building family bonds amongst the saints in St Ives, and particularly to see our Growth Groups flourish as we grow each other as wholehearted disciples into Christ's likeness. I'd love to partner with you in this!
To give to John
Direct bank transfer – ref: JohnMT
Credit or debit card – give to Ministry Training Fund on the Give To section of the pop up form
Ben Williams
Hey I’m Ben. I'm married to Beth, and we have a baby girl called Noah. I've just started my fourth and final year at Moore College and have started at Christ Church as a student minister, particularly helping us to be fired up for God's mission here at Nights. Beth and I are really keen to be spending 2025 at St Ives! We're praying that all of us at Nights will grow in love for Jesus and that heaps of people will come to know him for the first time. We'd love your support this year as we work to see this happen!
To give to Ben
Direct bank transfer – ref: BenMT
Credit or debit card – give to Ministry Training Fund on the Give To section of the pop up form
Steph Shumack
Hi I’m Steph and I'm married to my husband, Nathaniel. I've just started ministry training at Christ Church, and this year I'm looking forward to serving in two main areas, with a focus on Nights. Firstly, as 1st Year Director, helping those who are recent school graduates to transition well into night church, making sure they are well looked after and well connected so that they continue to flourish as wholehearted disciples of Jesus. And secondly, as Community Area Leader, seeking to create opportunities for connection between people within our congregation, who may be different in various ways, but who have Christ in common. I'm so excited to be serving Jesus vocationally, and am learning so much and loving it so far. Being able to love and serve God's church is truly a privilege and a joy. I'd very much appreciate your support, prayerfully or financially, as I grow under God this year, and figure out what He has in store for my future and what it might look like to serve him with my whole life!
To give to Steph
Direct bank transfer – ref: StephMT
Credit or debit card – give to Ministry Training Fund on the Give To section of the pop up form
Online – Direct Transfer
BSB: 032 188
Account Number: 250007
Description: refer to reference codes above
Online – Credit or Debit Card
Make a one-off or recurring gift using our simple and secure payment platform.
Please note a 1.9% + $0.30 processing fee will be deducted from the total amount which goes to the platform provider.

Raising $120K for MTS Trainees
MTS Trainees are similar to Church Trainees but are always doing some theological study as part of their traineeship. They receive their funding through MTS (Ministry Training Strategy), an Australia-wide ministry training support organisation. Donations to these trainees are tax deductible and are made directly to MTS. $120k in 2025 will cover the costs of Phil, Britt and Bec's traineeships.

Phil Claridge
Hi I’m Phil and I’m starting my second year studying theology at Youthworks and doing ministry training at Christ Church! I live at home with my Dad, my brother, and our two cats. This year I’m excited to dive into the mission space, helping people at Nights to share the good news of the gospel with their friends and family, a passion I share as my family don’t know Jesus yet. It’s also a joy to be able to continue serving in kids ministry, and to share the good news with people of all ages! At college I’m excited to be learning Greek this year, so that I’m able to read the New Testament in its original language, and also because I just love learning languages! I would appreciate your support as I finish my studies and training this year, so that I’m equipped to go out and serve God and his people for the rest of my life!
Bec Abraham
Hi I’m Bec and in 2025, I'll be being trained at Christ Church in mission and pastoral care. This will look like a few different things. I'll be team leading a team which helps organise 121 bible reading for those exploring Christianity. I will also be involved in table leading discussions at Monday dinners, where people of all religious backgrounds are invited to get into the bible over dinner. I am particularly excited to be on the care team for Tuesday church and be attending that service most weeks. I will also be eagerly seeking out opportunities to apply my training and skills in mental health and community services to various areas of care in our church. Alongside all this, I will be studying a Graduate Certificate of Pastoral Care for Mental Health at Mary Andrews College; doing 1 day of work in the the Out of Home Care setting; and volunteering once a fortnight as a Lifeline Telephone Crisis Supporter. Please consider prayerfully or financially partnering with me this year, as I seek to serve God and his people, for his glory, and to further his kingdom.
Brittany Beattie
Hi I’m Brittany and I’m married to my husband Rory. I’m doing my second year of ministry training this year in the mission space, serving alongside Elliot and supporting the team to drive forward Share Life Mondays. It’s exciting to see how God is at work in bringing people to himself. I’m also studying at Bible college, specifically looking into the Old and New Testament this year, which is truly fascinating and grounding for my faith. I would deeply appreciate your support, whether it be prayer or financially giving, in readying me to go out and serve the Lord Jesus who gave up everything for me.