20 to 27 February 2022

National Church Life Survey

Reflect on your experiences of Church life

Our church is participating in the National Church Life Survey. The survey is voluntary and anonymous and occurs every five years. It asks you about your experiences of our church, your thoughts about our ministries and activities, as well as your personal beliefs and habits. The data is a useful resource as we reflect and plan for ministry at Christ Church.

Adults (Ages 15+)
Children (Ages 8–14)


Ages 15+

Go to the NCLS website and enter the Church Code below:


There will be an opportunity to complete the survey during:
Tuesday Church (22 February)
Senior High Growth Groups (25 February)
Christ Church Nights (27 February)

A limited number of paper forms are available for those unable to complete the form online.


Ages 8 – 14

Children can complete this on their own or with help. Go to the NCLS child survey and enter the Church Code below:


There will be an opportunity to complete the survey during:
Junior High (25 February)

Download: NCLS Child Survey Information for Parents (.pdf)

A limited number of paper forms are available for those unable to complete the form online.


Select ‘Chinese’ as your language. Go to the NCLS website and enter the Church Code below.


If you are unable to complete the survey online, paper forms will be available to complete after Christ Church Mornings on Sunday 27 February.

Got questions?

Fill out this form and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.