Dubbo Anglican – Our new Mission Partner

In 1982, my mum and dad took me to Western Plains Zoo in Dubbo. By comparison to Taronga, it was incredible. Massive open enclosures. A multiplicity of animals. And I discovered that I could imitate the bleat of the Barbary Sheep with enough accuracy to encourage the whole herd to gather at the fence. I still have great memories of that time. Nicky and I have taken our Kids out to Dubbo on a couple of occasions, most recently in 2021.

The fact is, when Sydney people think Dubbo, they think zoo. But this Sunday I hope to change all that. When someone says Dubbo, I want you to think, church!

Andrew Thornhill, the Senior Minister of Dubbo Anglican Church will be joining us this Sunday to launch our mission partnership. The Parish Council approved this last year and we have already begun contributing to the work in Dubbo - and I am so glad we are. Country NSW is littered with churches but almost every one battles significant challenges every single day. 

One of the most significant is the constant departure of young people from the country for study and work. Generations are missing from the church and the aging population on the land is mirrored in the church. The average age of church members in the Bathurst Diocese is 70 years old and there is almost no youth ministry anywhere. There are of course youth around but the church has not been able to connect with youth for decades.

Wonderfully though, under the current Bishop Mark Calder, a new vision has been shared that is driving change and hope. Dubbo Anglican Church is Sharing Jesus for Life - sounds familiar hey! There are some great stories Andrew will share on Sunday so I won’t burst his bubble now but listen out for what happened when he preached the Joseph narrative from Genesis recently. Andrew is an excellent minister of the gospel and I am really excited for him to be among us this weekend. 

So what difference will our partnership make? Well, the funds we have provided so far have gone directly to appointing a second paid staff member who is focussed on building the next generation. Justin Baker is studying part-time and working part-time focussed on young families, kids church, playgroup and SRE. How exciting is that? 

So I am looking forward to having Andrew with us this Sunday 2 March. Prepare to be inspired. Prepare to be challenged. Prepare to be enthused for your own opportunities to share life. And when you go to Dubbo, plan to be there on a Sunday and visit the church. It will be a great encouragement to them and I am sure to you too.  

Nigel Fortescue

Nigel Fortescue is the Senior Minister at Christ Church St Ives. He is married to Nicky and they have four young adult children. Nigel truly believes that Jesus rose from the dead and that this news is life-changing and worth exploring.


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