How did you go?

Well, how did you go preparing for 2023?

Have you visited the 2023 webpage?

When you go there you will be reminded that throughout November we spent time thinking together about 4 key foundational principles to help you keep growing next year as a wholehearted disciple of Jesus. God does not want us to stagnate or sit still as Christians, rather God makes us grow as we engage with each other around his Word. So Paul says in Ephesians 4:16, From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does it work.

In Week 1, I encouraged you to stop just going to church and start being the Church - to be an engaged and committed contributor to all that happens here rather than a casual consumer. Our action item from Week 1 was for each of us to plan to be at church every week, ready to learn, to work, to love, share your life and faith with others. 

In Week 2, I encouraged you to support the work - to check in on your giving as expression of your striving towards wholehearted discipleship. We noted that we were down on giving this year but up on membership and that increasing our giving from now in preparation for next year will help us to bridge the gap and effectively plan. Our action item from Week 2 was to check in on giving relative to your circumstances and make changes as necessary so we can all keep supporting the work. 

In Week 3 I encouraged you to join the work - to consider using the gifts God has given you to see the world transformed through Jesus. No matter who you are and no matter how God has made you, there are opportunities for you to serve here. Our action item for week 3 was to talk to our team leaders about our ministry plans for 2023 or fill in the serve form so you can get going.

In Week 4, I encouraged you to Grow in the Work - to join a Growth Group and find a circle of belonging. At our church, being in a growth group means you are a part of what is happening and you have people around you to provide consistent care, encouragement and community. Our action item for week 4 was for everyone to fill in the Growth Group form whether you are in a group already or not so we know your intention for 2023.  

We are now less than 3 weeks away from the new year so head to the website, follow up on your action items and let’s grow together at Christ Church St Ives in 2023. Jesus is worth it.

Nigel Fortescue

Nigel Fortescue is the Senior Minister at Christ Church St Ives. He is married to Nicky and they have four young adult children. Nigel truly believes that Jesus rose from the dead and that this news is life-changing and worth exploring.




Thank you!