
When Bobby McFerrin sang his iconic song, Don’t Worry, Be Happy, I doubt that he knew how it would resonate with Christian thinking about happiness and joy. What is clear in the song is that he sets forth happiness as a duty. The song lyrics don’t suggest being happy or joyful, they command it. And what’s fascinating is, the Bible does the same. Philippians 4:4-6 contains some of the most beautiful and yet confronting words in the whole Bible. Paul says both “Rejoice in the Lord always” and “Do not be anxious about anything”. We might say, nice words Paul but meet my life!  

Indeed, we rarely think about joy or happiness in this way do we? When we are unhappy, we think it is impossible to decide by an act of the will to change our feelings. We tend to think of joy as something that emerges from within us as a response to things happening around us. But God has a different view.

Joy in the Bible is not a reaction to circumstances but a deep seated spirit driven response to God’s goodness to us in Jesus.  

Helpfully, the 19th Century English preacher Charles Spurgeon says: Believers are not dependent upon circumstances. Their joy comes not from what they have, but from what they are; not from where they are, but from whose they are; not from what they enjoy, but from that which was suffered for them by their Lord. 

We can always have joy because no matter what happens in life, there is a bigger, deeper reality for which we can always abound with joy over. That’s not to say you can never be sad, but it is to say, you can always have joy in Jesus despite the circumstances of life. 

It’s why the Psalmist says, “You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore. (Psalm 16:11) It’s why the Angel says “I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people!” (Luke 2:9) The presence of God in Jesus to bring salvation for all is cause for joy, even when life is terrifyingly difficult.   

It causes great joy because in Jesus, God has come near. He has come to earth to be with us, talk to us, demonstrate us his love, remind us we are treasured by him and invite us into an eternal relationship with him. It causes great joy because God did not leave us to wonder about who he is or what he is like. God has not left us alone in the world. God in Christ came down to us. He came down to save us and invite us home forever. So when you trust in Jesus you have eternal life and that is cause for great joy. 

And all this is part of why we have chosen to focus on joy this Christmas. As we slowly slide out of Covid, life remains difficult for many. Even those who are doing well have experienced enough draining change to satisfy a lifetime. There is a lot to be distracted, disturbed and downcast about, so for many, this Christmas season looms ominous rather than fabulous. 

We need joy - and the reality is - we can find it in Jesus even when everything else is hard. 

All our Christmas Services this year are focussed on your being able to find abundant joy despite the circumstances of life. So join us.

Join us on Christmas Eve at 4pm for our Kids Christmas Service, at 7pm for Christmas Carols or at 11pm for Christmas Eve at which the joy will be resounding in the Word and song.

Join us Christmas Day at 8am or 9.30am where we will start the day with Jesus and the joy he brings. 

There is more information about what is happening at specific services including livestream details on the website.

Friends, this promises to be a great week filled with opportunities to ponder and find joy. I look forward to seeing you as we come together to find joy afresh in Jesus. See you there.

Nigel Fortescue

Nigel Fortescue is the Senior Minister at Christ Church St Ives. He is married to Nicky and they have four young adult children. Nigel truly believes that Jesus rose from the dead and that this news is life-changing and worth exploring.


2023 – Here we come!


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