Share Life - What now?

Share Life Sundays are almost at an end. I have been so very thankful for Elliot’s talks and this Sunday’s one is a cracker. I have also been thankful for the energy that has surrounded our services with jumping castles, lunches, fireplaces and more. Our church has absolutely been alive and my mum who lives locally drove past last week and then sent me a text saying, “What is going on up there? There were people everywhere!” And indeed there has been. 

We have one more chance to invite friends this Sunday so go for it. 

But after that…. what?

Well, let’s remember that Share Life is not about a moment, a program, or even three special Sundays. Share Life is a way of thinking about ourselves and our world. As believers we can be sharers of life to all those around us all the time and it all begins by meeting people and then being in prayer for them that God would reveal himself to them and save them. And this is what has been most exciting and encouraging to me over the last three weeks - people have come to faith in Christ. Indeed, people have been praying all year that God would do this work, and he has. And he is. And he will be in the weeks, months and years ahead.  

So hear this; every Sunday we gather as a church to worship Jesus as Lord and that makes every Sunday a moment to invite someone along to hear the life-changing good news of the gospel. Share Life Sundays may almost be finished for 2023, but you can still pray and you can still invite friends every week. We try to make every Sunday service accessible to guests and we love them to see our church family in action and to taste and see that we should bother with God because God loves us. If your friend could not come, why not invite them again in a few weeks. 

Like last year, I have heard people say, “My friend really needed to hear that talk.” Please remember that you can always watch our services via our Youtube channel at anytime. Why not arrange a dinner and a watch party!

I am also aware that some of you and some of your friends have indicated that you are still trying to work out whether God is worth bothering with. Well, make sure you come along to, and bring your friends to, Question Life. Bring yourself, bring a friend, join the conversation. It’s a four week opportunity to sit with others and think about who Jesus says he is and what we should do about it. You will find all the information about it and an opportunity to sign up at

So let’s continue to Share Life - because it is not a program but a way of thinking - let me encourage you to continue to pray for those who you know and love who do not yet know Jesus, that they might move from death to life in Christ. I’m praying for you, please pray for me!

Nigel Fortescue

Nigel Fortescue is the Senior Minister at Christ Church St Ives. He is married to Nicky and they have four young adult children. Nigel truly believes that Jesus rose from the dead and that this news is life-changing and worth exploring.


Our World Needs Prayer


Question Life - A conversation, not a course