SRE - Let’s Support our Passionate Team

Dear friends,

The 2024 SRE Appeal is on.

We are hoping to raise $100,000 through tax-deductible giving in June to help us fund this work this year and into the future. The money raised pays for a variety of different things including resources, training and staff costs. Jo Anne Kim is our newly employed High School SRE teacher and your giving will support her and a portion of the week for both Jesse, Pete and several other staff involved in SRE. 

It is great work. Week by week, our team of teachers make connections with children and young people who are keen to learn and who sometimes don’t have the opportunity to attend a church Sunday by Sunday. 

Why not give now?  

But there is more you can be doing!  

Our dedicated team needs more teachers and helpers for our local primary schools. The SRE team have been praying and asking people in their own growth groups to join the SRE team but they have exhausted their own circles. They are teaching larger combined classes in some instances and often when a teacher is sick the class just needs to be cancelled because we have no back up teachers available.    

Could you join the team?

SRE Lessons are Tuesday afternoons or Wednesday mornings and we will provide you with all the training and support you need to get up and running. Now the training required is about 15 hours including Safe Ministry but SRE is a crucially important educative work that requires skill and care. If you were to start now you would be up and running for Term 3 in July.

Now can I say, it might sound scary to go into a classroom and teach for 30 minutes a week and you might be there saying, I could never do that. But can I say, you can. The training is great. The support is great. The opportunity is great. The syllabus is great. The kids are great. To teach full-time is an art and a skill requiring dedication and aptitude and many years of study. To teach SRE is also an art and a skill but is a well supported enterprise that you can learn to do.   

I would love you to chat to Pete Oates if you are even sort of interested - to hear more about the pathway in and the opportunities that exist. I’d love to have 4 more teachers by the time Term 3 starts and I know the team would too.

So let’s pray for new teachers. Let’s pray for our appeal. And let’s pray we can continue to grow the work of SRE and see children educated in the wonders of God week by week for their wisdom and his glory. 

Nigel Fortescue

Nigel Fortescue is the Senior Minister at Christ Church St Ives. He is married to Nicky and they have four young adult children. Nigel truly believes that Jesus rose from the dead and that this news is life-changing and worth exploring.


Let’s Talk: Life and Death


SRE Appeal